Where oh where to start... in existence you are given life and in life you are given obstacles and choices... sometimes easy and sometimes hard. They come at you with a blink of an eye, a beat of the heart and when faced with them we can take a split of a second to go forward or an eternity. Things are not always set in stone and there isn’t really a fat lady who sings to finalize situations... unless you have strangely hired her. Things will continue to go, nothing ever stops not unless it dies but even then the memory or the history is still there and hopefully we learned from it, whether it was good or bad or both.
For me life has taken me places with people, and with them obstacles and choices have come in Mt. Everest sizes. I’ve had the pleasure and sorrow, the happiness and the frustration, the giddiness of new and the epic pain of loss.
You came into my life like a train on its track... you hit me and swept me off my feet... you made my heart skip, you put a spell on me, you flew me to the clouds but then the crackle came the clouds got dark... it started to rain... I let you go... I got lost... I started comparing... making my choices unfair to the people and the beauty around me... but I didn’t see it because I was still trying to find my way. I was in the clouds, not on them and couldn’t see, even though I desperately wanted to... but with time I have found my way back to solid ground... I am seeing clearly... the haze of the darkness has gone... I have let the idea of you go and am open to the new and unknown in hopes that when I fall I will land into the arms of grace and beauty that will treat me the way I found them. I’m ready to laugh whole heartedly, to be swept again, to take it as it comes, to live in the moment and to let it happen, to trust, and to trust I will find or be found.
With the help of people and friendship, I have realized you don’t have to move Mountains to make a difference you just have to take small chances to make a change for the best... and then who knows... Maybe Everest isn’t that big after all.
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