

Monday, March 12, 2012

Think before acting... everyone is watching...

To Whom it May Concern,
You call me a friend, yet do you ever call me when you don't need something?! Do you care about me and my feelings?! What I'm doing or what's going on in my life? Or is the world revolving around you and your needs... am I your puppet?! I think people forget what friends are sometimes... so here is a thought.

A FRIEND - One who will be there for the laughs and bullshit, moments of greatness and defeat... someone who will be around even if it doesn't benefit them or only wants you around for your talent... sometimes people amazing me w/ their wording and actions...

I guess if you feed some people to much, you will get crushed like biscuit crumbs... Try to appreciate what's in front of you.

Sincerely yours,
Loren Hoffmann

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Random Act of Kindness or a Thought that’s stuck with me...

Living in Atlanta we are surrounded by people - rich, middle, poor, homeless, we see it all as long as we don’t have our eyes closed! And at some point or another we are approached by people whether it’s to further us or to ask for some spare change.

The other night around 2am I was taking the long way home and stopped by the store to pick up some kitty food and gatorade when I a man called me from across the parking lot... now most of the time I keep walking forward and say sorry because for the most part I’m trying to get by on what I have, but a thought crossed my mind. Now, I’m not a big religious person, but I believe there’s something out there and you should do right by yourself and what your own morals are than to believe a book that’s been rewritten a 1000 times. Somewhere in high school during youth group we were talking about strangers and how we treated people. I remember Mrs. P. saying “You never know who is watching or taking you in, you might be talking to Jesus, so be nice to everyone.” I guess that night as I was walking in something spoke to me, so at a distance I stopped and looked at him. He asked if he could wash my wheels and clean my windows for money or some food and started telling me what was going on in his life, in which I stopped him. I looked him in the eye and said “I don’t care why you’re out here, but you want food, is that right?” He said yes and I told him I would get him something when I was inside.

At first I thought I would just get him granola bars but then thought no I’m going to do this right, because if I had enough in me to ask for food I would hope someone would treat me good. So, I got what I came in for and then picked him up a gatorade, a can of peaches, sandwich buns, chicken, turkey, ham, and a small box of chewy bars. I then went to the deli section and picked up some utensils and condiments put everything in a bag and for $7 dollars (the price of one drink at the bar) I fed a man. I went back out to the parking lot and handed him it to him and as he fist bumped me, I felt whole... that I had done something for someone and as much as he needed something, I needed to feel something. In someways it was selfless but all in all I did what my youth teacher told me to, I treated someone not only the way I would want to but in a way that would hopefully make a high power happy.

Random or not you never know who is watching or taking you in, be who you set out to be.

Hebrews 13:2 - Don't forget to love and entertain strangers, for in doing so, some have been surrounded by angels without knowing it.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Greatest Show On Earth

Every year as a kid I always looked forward to going to the circus. Getting a high glossed program, eating cotton candy and snow cones, meeting the clowns, seeing the tigers and elephants, swinging trapeze and the occasional guy getting shot out of a cannon...

I always would get swept away in the amazement of it all. I wanted to join the circus to be a clown or a lion tamer or one of the guys with muscles... haha! I would sit there with my mouth open and my fingers pointing , I never wanted the show to end. I wanted the show to be life, grand in every way.

Recently the circus came to town and I went with 2 very cute ladies, we made an adventure out of it taking the Marta into Philips Arena. As we entered, all the feelings of a kid came back (who knows if wearing two different colored shoes had anything to do with it) and having a little minion by my side made it even better because I got to see how I would imagine myself looking like at 5 and all I could do was smile!

I remember what it was like to have my dad pick me up so I could see everything and how I carried my tiger clown cup trying to keep up with my skyscraper dad. This made me happy and proud at the same time because I realized how awesome my parents were and that when I have a kid/s I know that making things special so one day they may look back and have memories like the way I did is important. I’m glad I got to pick up Am and let her see the elephants paint and watch her eat her snow cone as she took the wonders of the show in. Not only is this show full of wonder but so are the people who make it come to life, each smiling face and every thrill making our hearts race. Children have a way of melting hearts just as this show is the Greatest.