People get crushed like biscuit crumbs...
Black Swan - Thom Yorke

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Spread the Love!

hahaha!!! My comrade Michele just started up a blog on Tumblr and dedicated a photo of a hipster cat (above) as me cat-wise! "Dedicated to LoHo!!! this is soo the Hoffmeister!"
I fell in love!
I also fell in love with the flash based photo of the single women... "When i see ugly people in a relationship, and i’m just sitting here being single." Well Michele, We be single like a Dollar!!! And we can wave it back and forth!!!
Best wishes and inspiration!
Check her out!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Pandora... Almost Lovers

As snow fell down upon Atlanta, I was curled up in my bed listening to my muse (pandora), when “Almost Lovers” by A Fine Frenzy filled my bedroom. Nostalgia hit me like a drug hits the blood stream. By the time the song was half way through I had clicked over to youtube and started watching the video. As I continued to repeatedly watch and listen to this song thoughts of many people came to mind. People that have been almost lovers... people and friends who’ve touched me and then a rolling fog came along, clouding our relationship, whatever kind it may have been. A haze, a distance, an awkwardness, tension, or just forces of nature... movement.
Walking into my life, creating images and memories. You all were and are beautiful in your own way which made/makes me attracted to you. For the ones that have walked out, some of you do “haunt me” in which, I think of you and wonder if I ever cross your mind... Some of you have hurt me, broke me down and had me questioning anything and everything, yet, I am okay. I’m also sure that I to, created some sort of question for you. But in some cases things are left unsaid... things are left unsolved... things are just left...
Over the last year I have been through a lot as far as relationships go. I’ve had gain and loss, I’ve met many new faces, new friends and people. I been distant from people, have lost friends, the tug of rope or should I say the tug of life. I’ve gone through a neurotic slaughter house breakup to, trying to find something, anything to, fairytale settings with sparks of bliss and games of hide-n-seek. I’m not going to lie, I’ve had real regret and episodes of hate but how can I regret something let alone hate something that once made me smile, that once had my heart pounding over excitement not over petty loose ends and hearsay. The fact is, I started all things with good intentions with the want of learning, growing, and full heartedness and I want to move on that way as well.
So, although none of the people I’ve had relations with have ever sang me Spanish lullabies I have seen “sweet sadness” in their eyes... everyone has it... whether it’s over a luckless romance, broken heart or clever tricks everyone is human and even though I am not with them and they aren’t with me I do wish them happiness because at some point they gave me happiness, showed it to me, made me feel it and that’s the beauty of life, that’s what keeps me going. The hope and the feeling of happiness that awaits.
So for the almost/could have been lover and for the almost/could be lover, here’s to simply moving and feeling. Thank you.
ps. If and when you find your perfection, go after it, get it and enjoy every minute because then at least you can say you had it. Because unlike this song nothing is a hopeless dream.

Random Beauty - best explained to me by Jenni Penny
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