Over the last few days I’ve felt like I’ve been in a fog… not necessarily a bad thing but the days have been blended together and the want and feeling of life has gotten me day dreaming to the point of being in my head 85% of the day. I feel like I’m sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to jump up and go… I guess I feel this way because I feel like I have no real place… I mean, I have responsibilities and things that potentially tie me down to where I am and I love the people who are in it but in other aspects I could seriously get up and go…
Another thing that is making me feel the need to go and do life better, is my brother… I envy him… I find myself to be a free spirit the type of person who loves adventures and the spontaneity of life but in his case I find him to be a wandering majestic soul. He goes here and there, he picks up and does things, he’s driven across the country twice, crashes on couches, takes chances and does random adventures along with heading to china for 3 months in Sept. I want that. I want to go, I want to see the world and different cultures, I want, want, want. I know that we are two totally different individuals and I have the power to do any and all these things but the fact is, he’s younger and I look up to him. I love his chill attitude, how he picks up a skateboard and just goes, I love that when I thought I knew what type of person he was he tells you something or you find out something about him that changes everything. He’s always been that cool kid where all the guys want to be his friend and the ladies want to be with and he does it all without trying, which makes him the epitome of cool.

And as I find myself trying to figure out my excellent adventure, I’ve been talking with a few of my friends but Renaldo in particular. After voicing my want to do something whether it be making a difference or just seeing the world, I found myself at her house brainstorming all the crazy ideas we / I could do and the wanting to do them and not just talk. We must have lounged on her bed listening to endless amounts of mind blowing music and searching the web for who knows how long as we let our mind’s wander and our creative flow shoot out the roof. I figure I have a lease until next March and so if I plan things right I might be able to go with an organization or join some sort of group or find a ship to work on and take the time to go do it, just live it.

Renaldo brought up a good point as we were in our own little world… She said something along the lines of: we as a society are pretty much in a box, where we are told to go to school, go to college, get a job, get married, buy a house, have 2.5 kids, wish divorce if we don’t actually get one, and hope we don’t have bad health till we die. And in some cases I feel like this is true… The people who take the unclaimed path are the one’s who are some what looked down upon but the one’s that we envy and look up to the most.
I heard someone say:
“In life we try and stay away from making mistakes and in death we wish we could have made more.”
I guess what I want is to look back and not wish I would have.
Let the journey continue!