

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Uncertain Darkness

Why is it that anytime I feel like there is nothing in my world or the feeling of being overwhelmed I find myself running away and doing disappearing acts to unfamiliar places finding my cold dark equal.

Yes, I have people who love me, I have great opportunities, dreams and goals but I also have a darkness inside that can't be explained. I have gotten help a number of times, have taken steps to turn my life around and move into a different direction but when the winds change, my sails don't always know how to redirect in the right way and letting go seems as though I would free fall into the infinite abyss...

Everyone has hard times... Everyone has their own darkness and everyone deals with their situations differently.

I have never done hardcore drugs but I sometimes love the feeling of nothing, I love not thinking and being in my head. And quite honestly, in some strange way I sometimes like the darkness where I hide...

Sometimes we must get lost in the darkness to find our light and know its worth.

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